I have an extensive list of books that have inspired me on this journey. To spark your interest, here are just a few.

A Year by the Sea by Joan Anderson

A Walk on the Beach by Joan Anderson

Stretch Marks: Essays for the Unfinished Woman by Joan Anderson

The Second Journey. The Road Back to Yourself. by Joan Anderson

The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin

Goddesses in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen

Simple Abundance.  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathneck

God Never Blinks. 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours by Regina Brett

The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister

Wisdom of the Senses by Joan Erikson

Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

The Boy, the mole, the fox & the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

Women Rowing North: Navigating Life’s Currents & Flourishing as We Age by Mary Pipher