Beauty of the Season

How did August arrive so quickly this year? Merriam Webster defines august as “marked by majestic dignity or grandeur.” A great description of this month. Summer allows time for family, vacations, and breaks in our routines. A chance to breathe in the warm air, smell the plants around us, enjoy an ice cream cone, or just sit and listen to waves on the lake. I read yesterday that summer is only half over this week. It doesn’t seem that way. Children will be going back to school in the next couple of weeks, fall decorations are in all the stores, and sunsets are coming earlier each week. The lazy, hazy days of summer seem to be winding down.

This summer my husband and I have had the chance to be with our children and grandchildren. They don’t live near each other, so their time together is precious. The siblings and cousins have so much fun catching up. My favorite part of being with them is watching the joy on each face as all three generations laugh and play.

As I sit at my kitchen counter writing this, I am looking out my back windows. I see trees in full leaf, beautiful flowering impatiens, and lush greenery. Green, my favorite color. Green speaks to me of life. The trees shade us in the heat and allow us to sit on the deck in the evening. It takes most of the summer here in Northeast Ohio for the flowers to come into full bloom but when they do, they brighten my day. Set off by their leaves, the flowers burst into a riot of color. Small things that we often take for granted and don’t take time to enjoy.

Summer. Being in the moment, sharing and making memories, savoring the beauty of nature. Finding joy. Each season has its own beauty.