
The May newsletter was sent out on May 2, an edition on self-compassion. We all need to remember to take care of ourselves, especially this time of year when we feel there is so much to do. Taking care of the yard, spring cleaning, attending end of school year events as parents and grandparents, bringing out the next season’s clothing, etc. It’s a wonder we think about us at all. One of the quotes shared in the newsletter hits home. Christopher Germer’s quote is “Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we give to others.” What a wonderful concept. Kindness for ourselves.

The April retreat at Lakeside allowed each woman in attendance to contemplate on giving themselves kindness, to take time to think about where she’s been and where she are going. To embrace her life. One of the women wore a wonderful t-shirt. As the t-shirt said, we are all perfectly imperfect, or as Joan Anderson would say, we are all “unfinished.” How wonderful it is to relax when we can embrace those thoughts. Each of us matters, each of us makes a difference. We are meant to find joy in our life and continue our journey. So find something each day that brings you joy. It’s there, you just have to look.