
January is here. The weather in Cleveland has been unusual. Last week we had a day of 60° with sunshine to boot. Today we are back in the 40’s° with gray skies, more common for the next several months. We left our Christmas tree up longer this year for our Michigan grandchildren’s recent visit, as they spent time with their cousins enjoying the tree and commenting on their favorite ornaments. They picked out several my grandmother made me including a crocheted angel and an decorated eggshell, along with several ornaments made by her, my mother, and myself. My hope is that one of our ornaments will some day have a place on their trees. I watch as the traditions my children enjoyed when they were young are passed on to their children. It’s a big part of what makes the holidays special for me, the time together and the memories we make.

Since I wasn’t putting Christmas away last week, I decided to clean my office. I work better when I know where to find things, and feel a calm when things around me are in order. It took a day to empty the closet and drawers, to organize Stretching Forward files, sewing items, and sorting piles into recycling, Goodwill, and trash. When I start the year in a neat and tidy space, I am more able to create and be motivated. It’s time to bring this new year into focus and continue planning for this year’s retreat offerings. Finding Purpose Today has been online during the past several years due to Covid and I have decided to make it in person April 1 so that we can be together for a day. A mini-retreat for those ready to test the waters of retreats. I am excited about the plans for Stretching Forward for 2023.

Last week I chose my word of the year for 2023 - INSPIRE - to remind me each day to stretch forward. My hope is to inspire myself as well as each of you - to believe in yourself, to be aware of all each of us has to offer, and to celebrate our uniqueness. This year starts with hope of great things, small and large. The sun will shine on many days, the air will be warm, good vibes will be there. All we have to do is keep our eyes and ears open and take it all in. Inspiration is all around us. What inspires you?